Life is all about choices and decision making God gave us the free will to live as we please or to live a life pleasing to him... Every decision we make will either bring us closer to him or keep us away from him the decision is yours no one on this earth can really feel you pain or understand what you going through apart from God this is why he says trust in God but not man for he that creates us knows our every emotions whether be good or bad he knows. He sees what others can't see and even with our imperfection he is still willing to used us for his glory.....God is not looking for the best for the most beautiful for the most talented or for the most famous he is not looking for the one who dresses the best to go church ...
He is looking for the 1 who is willing to humble themself he is looking for the obedient servant who is always on guard and will wear his garment of righteousness not just on Sunday but 7/7 a week. He is looking for the 1 with a patient pure heart and understanding he is looking for the 1 that life has knock down so many time but regardless of the knocks of Life he/ she was still able to rise and say Lord I trust in you .....

God is looking for servants are you one of them???? If so walk in your calling with boldness assurance confidence and faith know your God shall not forsake you and every steps you take he shall take it with you!! God bless you and may you all have a peaceful Sunday and productive week ahead of you !!
My mum usually says there's no point having just a man you need to have a good man the right man for you ... At time some of us are so desperate to bring in a man to fill in the empty space in their life that they end up settling down for less taking a partner that won't only bring them stress but keep them away from their God... Especially for single mothers (like me) society have gotten you thinking that being a single mum is a taboo that most single mum will fall in an abuser hands only to full that empty space or fit in society ....

Well am here to tell you that being a single mum of 2 ain't easy but sincere have given my life to God and accept his son as my personal saviour he hasn't only been my comforter my strength my provider his been my soul mate his been the 1 that I can run to where I feel like giving up he has come and fill that space with abundance love peace and joy... And he has send his precious spirit to always uplift until that man God has ordained for me I have a daddy a husband a brother a friend who will never leave my side nor forsake me..

Remain bless all and trust in God your mate is on his/ her way in Jesus mighty name Amen!!
First day at back to study we were in lecture and we had a discussion about homosexual and homophobic and what we think about it... I spoke and I said being a child of God and a Christian I don't agree with homosexual my God tells me it is wrong but that doesn't mean I won't provide the same support to an individual just because they are homosexual but as a servant of God my job is also to point out to you that what your doing is a sin against God and no am not judging you am actually helping you to not commit sin and my God tells me if someone sins I should pray for them and tell them they are sining
If you see a Christian brother or sister sinning in a way that does not lead to death, you should pray, and God will give that person life. But there is a sin that leads to death, and I am not saying you should pray for those who commit it. (1 John 5:16 NLT)

As I was talking about my believe and where I stand in that subject I really felt like the 3 servants of God in the book of Daniel who stood up for their believes regardless of what anyone thoughts or regardless of what was going to happen to them.. I really felt like the whole class was either shock at what I was saying or hated me for it or impressed either way am glad I stood up for my God...,

For I know my God would stand up for me all the time and Everytime no matter the circumstances and at 1 point I felt as if I risked losing my place because of my belief then I told myself if God gave me this place without me having the criteria and requirements then why am I even going to worry he opened doors that no one can close so am going to stand firm and represent my God at all time for with him am invisible and untouchable !!

A brother in Christ put this statement

Who do you think is the one thats prevents one from following Christ?

My answer was: an individual is the one preventing them self from following Christ.

Yes I know our biggest battle is not against flesh but satan and his demons but remember satan and his demons only gave as much control to you as much as possible you give satan control over your body and spirit when you refuse to follow Christ and trust in God..

Those rejection comes from you and they open a door for satan to comes in and destroyed you... Because as you reject Jesus your full of darkness perfect place for demons to dwell ....

This is my belief your biggest fear or threat is not the people who are around you or your problems is actually you!! You are your biggest threat and your biggest enemy....

No one can take that leap of faith or change apart from you many may encourage you to make a change or to belief in yourself or stress out to you that changes is essential no matter how much preaching one does to you only yourself can take that Preaching those wisdom and make it something positive for yourself...

I don't belief anyone can make you belief in the word of God or trust him but only yourself I belied that everyone positive around you can give you the word of God sow the seeds (which the word and truth of God) now is up to you if your willing to let the Holy Spirit come in and manifest itself in you and bring about changes that will transform to your spirit abiding with the spirit of God..

Is up to you to let God water that seed to a beautiful blossom tree with branches and fruits of all colours...

So you can see you are your biggest blockage or obstacle
Only when you can overcome you that's when you will be able to overcome what anyone falls at you only when you accept Jesus as your personal saviour that you will be able to withstand that liar noise murmuring in your ears !!
Don't you find it a bit surprising that in every books of the bible it talks about Repentance it talks about people departing from God and worshiping idols and forsaking the God that kept them save in times of troubles and fed them with honey and gave them a fruitful land...

Is this of a surprise to you that the word repentance is talked about in every books?

Not to me I have come to understand we as people need repentance on a daily base is not just when you give your life to God and accept his son as your personal saviour.. That repentance is the first big step to walking in the light with Christ but repentance should be done daily.....

The bible wouldn't stress it out so much of it wasn't that important every day we all fall shorts of God glory we turn away from him we forget how far he has taken us from and how he turned our sorties into joy and made us fruitful.., but now we look toward man made God for joy and happiness we look toward people for love forgetting our first love our first joy who came To us willingly and freely just to love and share joy and peace ...

In return only demanding that we stay faithful to him at all time whether be good or bad bitter or sweet to remain faithful... We forget the promises we made with him...

At time I have heard people say ( oh if it wasn't for that doctor my child would have been dead?? So sad for you anyone to put their trust in another man knowing exactly that if it wasn't fit God giving us the wisdom and knowledge that we wouldn't be able to do anything) and that healing or any good things don't come from man but God using man to bless us and glorify himself .,

So therefore the glory should be given to him not man...

Repentance family is very important and should be done on a daily base don't wait till you have fallen so deep in the pit to repent for it might be too late for you.

Repent daily so our father will not take his eyes away from us do not abuse his mercies and love for just like us we have limits on what we can bare....

So had out father he endurance all but when judgement days come mercy wouldn't not be given to those who refused to repent and turn their back against other earthly God....

Do I have to remind you that our Heavenly Father is a very jealous God and how he deals with those who refuse to worship him but choose Baal gods...

Family make repentance back of your daily routine make yourself worthy to be a child of God worthy to wear his previous garment...

For an evil heart can't wear a garment of purity and justice...

Good day and have a bless Sunday and a productive week ahead of you may The Lord guide you and protect you through your daily routine this week may you encounter angels your way to bless you with a touch of heaven!!! Stay bless..........We serve an Awesome God!
I have never held a gun my life and I pray I will never I have never made anyone bled before I pray I never do.... But I have had people rise against me at time when I wish I could bring them down and cease the pain and i had hate at time I was full of pain and anger that my heart was full of evil thoughts but The Lord never let the evil in me outshine the goodness in me..

And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. (Genesis 6:5 KJV)

Our father whom created us knows we have an evil heart but as we accept our Lord Jesus Christ he comes in with his love and light to outshine every darkness and evil in us he comes in and makes us perfect in our father eyes he gives us a new name Children of God he gives us a new purpose a new meaning to life...

Don't be ashamed of the pains you once experience the rage that was going through your heart but be thankful that regardless the emotions you were going through you had the spirit of The Lord protecting you so you wouldn't commit a sin which you will lived to regret for the rest of life..even when you didn't know of his love he kept you sane and was always there helping you to control your emotions and stay in control regardless of the pain others put you through The Lord helped you to forgive he gave you the strength to walk away and say am strong not by my strength but by the spirit of The Lord.,,,

Yes you have hurt me and yes I held grudge in my heart yes I was angry for a while and I didn't want to forgive you but The Lord came in with his warm strong hands wrapped me around him and say my child is ok I have seen your tears I know your pain I know is not your faults I know others have abuse you I know you have a good heart but do not take revenge for it belongs to me

Dear friends, never take revenge. Leave that to the righteous anger of God. For the Scriptures say,
“I will take revenge;
I will pay them back,”
says the LORD. (Romans 12:19 NLT)

Don't be discourage your helper is there and has helped you and comfort you..,
I remember when I was really hurt The Lord said to me my daughter everytime you cried I have cried with you I have seen you pain and I have always been there..,

So every post I make it to show my love to my God for he raise me up when I was so low and I had no more hope in me. He did it for me he can do it for you !!!
We all are living testimony but you can only received your testimony if your willing to walk through the storm and be cleanse away from them for a testimony is the past is the yesterday not the today... Wipe those tears and look up to your father talk to him he is there right next to you he has never left you or will never forsake you call upon his name.,,

It is well!!
But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering. For he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed. (James 1:6 KJV)

Before you prayed for it The Lord has already provided now the problem is receiving it......

When you pray if you have enough faith to believe that you will received it then it will come to past but if your wavering and doubting God then it won't come to past or it will just take longer...

God doesn't want weak minded individual who are always doubting his power and capability if that's 1 of you then why you bothering praying for if your not even sure your prayers will get answered... Why play a cat and mouse game with God...

God can't be play with nor mock he is real and love obedient children and faithful 1 no parents like a challenging child who enjoys to questions his authority or doubt his ability to raise him or her .... Just like God if you can't trust in him then don't call on his name...

At time you will have people who will pray and God will answer but because they have an expectation in their mind so when God answers it differently they refused the blessing.

Remember the story of the man drowning and pray to God and several people came to save him but he turns all or them down. He says no he is waiting for God to save him... When he died he said God why didn't you come save me ?

The Lord reply I came 3 times and you rejected my help all the time..

Moral if the story your blessings may not always be wrapped up in the beautiful wrapper your expecting he will blessed you using even your enemies or the last person you will expect..

God could feed prophet Elijah with raven what more can he do for you... Brothers and sister ask and he shall received but ask and doubt then he shall not received or it shall be delay.

Remain bless and trust in The Lord!!
Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world. (1 John 4:1 KJV)

Do not judge the flesh for the flesh can be disguising an evil spirit not everything that shine is gold but rotten evilness. Not every smile means hello but some can means good bye!!

For many will come dressed as saints talking as saints claiming to love as our Lord but in facts are demons seeking to steal brings confusion and destroyed the Kingdom of God..

I rather be physically tired than spiritually tired or dead for without the spirit working and abiding with the spirit of The Lord you might as well be dead for life without the spirit of God is like an endless hell and total darkness and confusion which only leads to destruction of the soul and flesh !!

Do you know that some people can be physically walking but are spiritually dead? How can that be possible you mean?

Being spiritual dead means your spirit is not in tune with the spirit of God so therefor your spirit is forever roaming with out ending and has no where to rest which makes it a perfect target for the enemy to overtake
And make it a place to dwell and belonging !!

Being spiritually dead can also be seen by your physical behaviour the rejection of Christ our saviour most it these spirits are anti-Christ spirit very reluctant to hear or accept that our Lord Jesus Christ came and died on the cross for our sins and got resurrected after 3 days whom is not seating on the right hand side of God..

Some people who are spiritually dead do not accept that we are fighting against principalities demons and evil spirit whom can only be destroyed by the word of God.. They believe in the war of the flesh which is another way for devil to destroyed God children making them believe they are at war with each others.

Where instead our biggest war adversity is Satan..

Don't also be fool a dead spirit is capable of knowing the word of God may even remember then posts them and comments that doesn't mean they of God.

For even satan knows the bible remember the time satan came and tested Jesus and he did it by quoting the bible to make it even more believable.

So people is not because 1 knows the bible scripture wells that they are of God... Always seek the Holy spirit is testing 1 spirit to find out if is one God children or not...

So he went and did according unto the word of the Lord: for he went and dwelt by the brook Cherith, that is before Jordan. And the ravens brought him bread and flesh in the morning, and bread and flesh in the evening; and he drank of the brook. (1 Kings 17:5, 6 KJV)

The Lord fed his servant in the wilderness sent raven to give him meat and bread. What more can he do for you?

The Lord will used your enemies to bless you he will open doors that no man can close and he will close doors that no man can open whatever your situation I want you to remain faithful to his words and close to him.. Believe that your blessing your deliverance your healing your breakthrough your promotion is at the door right now waiting for you to open the door and say come dwell in my house and let you remain forevermore!!

Father God king of king there is none like you no one else can touch our heart like you do above all God you have shown yourself to be just and perfect.. Father I stand before you as your servant asking for mercies and forgiveness of sins Lord I pray that the most precious blood of your son Jesus Christ washes away every sins every iniquities and every transgression. I pray that oh Lord from today from this hour we stand as children of God decreasing so that you may increasing we humble ourselves so you may be exalted and we give you all the praises and adoration for you deserve all the Glory..father Yahweh king of king Lord of Lord we asked that you release shower of blessings right now in Jesus name father I stand as your servant and I stand in the promise you have given me that you will not forsake me nor leave me father may anyone needing Healing in the name of Jesus be heal promotions be granted breakthrough be established and let everything that gone or brought down be restored in the mighty name of Jesus... Father we don't ask this because we deserve it but we ask of this in the name of your son whom you said whatever we ask in his name shall be given to us as we live a life pleasing to your sight!!!

Father we know your words will never change they remain the same yesterday today tomorrow and forevermore!!! We believe with all our heart that as we have prayer this prayer and you have seen our heart to be right by your side our prayers have been answered!! We thank you for answered prayers in Jesus mighty name Amen!!!!!

As soon as you believed it you shall received it for The Lord doesn't break his promises nor changes his words !!!
Am nearly done ready 1king book and I was amazed of how many kings turn against God and were disobedient to his words and how many of them decided to make themselves idols and shrine to worship other Gods... What also shock me is how God deal with them how he lay his anger in so many some of them their family got wiped others war was risen against..

As I was ready it the Holy Spirit let me to understand that at time many people idolise and worship others God without even knowing..

What does idolise means

'Idolize' means love unquestioningly and uncritically or to excess; venerate as an idol.

At many time some of us will love an artist to the point that we literally worship him or her spend time doing research listening talking about that artist And have pictures everywhere some may say that they are just fan..

But instead do you know your actually idolising that individual and when singing his songs and researching about that person is like a child of God singing praises to God and all your researches is like reading a bible wanting to know more about God..

Some of us will idolise our family without even knowing everything they do we want to do or be good or bad in our eyes they can't do wrong..

They only person or spirit you should idolise or want to be like is our Lord Jesus Christ. Our heavenly father's knows everyday we fall shorts of his grace and love but as we tried he lifts us up and will make us perfect in his eyes it may not be perfect in human eyes but frankly only God judgement counts not human for only he can see the heart and spirit..

Family please examine yourself carefully and make sure your not indirectly or directly worship another God for am sure I don't need to remind you how God deal with those who are and no one will want to have God anger on him or her for his wrath his deadly than any.