Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world. (1 John 4:1 KJV)

Do not judge the flesh for the flesh can be disguising an evil spirit not everything that shine is gold but rotten evilness. Not every smile means hello but some can means good bye!!

For many will come dressed as saints talking as saints claiming to love as our Lord but in facts are demons seeking to steal brings confusion and destroyed the Kingdom of God..

I rather be physically tired than spiritually tired or dead for without the spirit working and abiding with the spirit of The Lord you might as well be dead for life without the spirit of God is like an endless hell and total darkness and confusion which only leads to destruction of the soul and flesh !!

Do you know that some people can be physically walking but are spiritually dead? How can that be possible you mean?

Being spiritual dead means your spirit is not in tune with the spirit of God so therefor your spirit is forever roaming with out ending and has no where to rest which makes it a perfect target for the enemy to overtake
And make it a place to dwell and belonging !!

Being spiritually dead can also be seen by your physical behaviour the rejection of Christ our saviour most it these spirits are anti-Christ spirit very reluctant to hear or accept that our Lord Jesus Christ came and died on the cross for our sins and got resurrected after 3 days whom is not seating on the right hand side of God..

Some people who are spiritually dead do not accept that we are fighting against principalities demons and evil spirit whom can only be destroyed by the word of God.. They believe in the war of the flesh which is another way for devil to destroyed God children making them believe they are at war with each others.

Where instead our biggest war adversity is Satan..

Don't also be fool a dead spirit is capable of knowing the word of God may even remember then posts them and comments that doesn't mean they of God.

For even satan knows the bible remember the time satan came and tested Jesus and he did it by quoting the bible to make it even more believable.

So people is not because 1 knows the bible scripture wells that they are of God... Always seek the Holy spirit is testing 1 spirit to find out if is one God children or not...

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