I dunno about you all But i believe we all have at least 1 testimony but you know what i amTired of having testimonies is time I become a testimony ! Oh yes is time we become witness or the work of God where are all The Lord ambassadors is time we rise for our father and expose the work of the devil expose him for his evil works and bring God children back home.. Is about time we rise as 1 nation United and on Fire for Christ!!
You don't need to ask yourself if God loves you all you need to do is look around you the answer is right in your face... The simple fact that your alive today says it all. He loves you enough that he kept you alive... Yes your life is not how you plan but to be fair who's life is really how they planned. We have received a gift to automatically adjust to the changes willingly or unwillingly you either adjust or you get left behind but don't worry before the adjustment The Lord will have already equipped you for all you need to face the next stage. So don't let your trials or situation Make you doubt how much God loves..remember he loves you so much that he gave his only son for your sins...He loves you so much that he wakes you up everyday.. So please rise above whatever your going through right now and repeat after me.

I know I can be what God say I will be I know I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. I know I am more than a conqueror I know I can just because He love me..

Love you all and stay forever bless...
I have come to realise that we as human being are more in control of our emotions thoughts behaviour than we think. God doesn't do mind control He gives you a choice is up to you to take it or leave God is not a forceful God he doesn't put pressure on anyone to follow him or serve him but He does tell us the consequences of not following Him. What you tell your mind to do it will do and I been practicing this myself and it does work. Everything happens inside you what you tell your mind to do your heart will eventually respond to it. It will take some time and practice but it will respond to it. As your heart respond to it so will your inner man your spiritual man. So you are in charge of what you feed your inner man and what you feed your heart (soul) and your mind. Yes at time the devil might want to come in and bring negative thoughts in your mind just tell him get behind thee satan or just say Jesus. You will see what you feed yourself will come to past that's why people say always speak positively about yourself no matter the situation your in. You may not believe it at first but as you say it more often you will eventually start behaving and believing in what you saying .

Just felt like sharing it GBU all!!
But God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise; and God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty; And base things of the world, and things which are despised, hath God chosen, yea, and things which are not, to bring to nought things that are: (1 Corinthians 1:27, 28 KJV)

I do love these verses for it makes me understand that even though I may not be wise to mankind God is still able to give me wisdom beyond any man understanding. I may not be strong to mankind God is still able to give me strength that has no limits... I may not be good enough to others but Still God is able to used me raised me up for his Glory ahhhhh I love you daddy you are worthy to be praised ����hallelujah Hosanna!!
God is able !! Yes He is
But God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise; and God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty; And base things of the world, and things which are despised, hath God chosen, yea, and things which are not, to bring to nought things that are: (1 Corinthians 1:27, 28 KJV)

I do love these verses for it makes me understand that even though I may not be wise to mankind God is still able to give me wisdom beyond any man understanding. I may not be strong to mankind God is still able to give me strength that has no limits... I may not be good enough to others but Still God is able to used me raised me up for his Glory ahhhhh I love you daddy you are worthy to be praised ����hallelujah Hosanna!!
God is able !! Yes He is
We all have our flaws mine is impatience and sometime quick to be angered but the most beautiful thing out of this is that am not ashamed to say am not perfect am not ashamed to put my hands up and say yes I need help in that section God..being able to acknowledge your flaws and knowing where changes need to be done shows great maturity!! Too many time people put on a mister or misses perfect act forgetting that we are all sinner save only by the Power of God..

Please take the time to really Look at your self am sure you will find that change needs to be made !! Do not be deceive the only perfect man that ever walk this earth was Jesus Christ through him we are made perfect but that doesn't mean we don't have to make changes or that we don't have flaws !!

Good night all!!
We all have our flaws mine is impatience and sometime quick to be angered but the most beautiful thing out of this is that am not ashamed to say am not perfect am not ashamed to put my hands up and say yes I need help in that section God..being able to acknowledge your flaws and knowing where changes need to be done shows great maturity!! Too many time people put on a mister or misses perfect act forgetting that we are all sinner save only by the Power of God..

Please take the time to really Look at your self am sure you will find that change needs to be made !! Do not be deceive the only perfect man that ever walk this earth was Jesus Christ through him we are made perfect but that doesn't mean we don't have to make changes or that we don't have flaws !!

Good night all!!
Foods for thoughts

Wouldn't be such a wonderful world if we all had the same believes same agenda same understanding same goals same Spirits.. Wouldn't it be so wonderful ? Mmmmm but instead we all scattered in this world some are clear about who they are (children of God) others believe they are animals where as some believe they are re carnations of animals or things. Others are just plain lost. All this confusion does hurt my soul and breaks my heart!! It also gets me thinking imagine the pain Jesus must be going through. He came died on the cross got crucified for us and still many people deny him many rejects him how sad...., It is only by his precious blood we are redeemed and can even dare called our self righteous by the grace of our Heavenly Father...Think acknowledge get understanding and don't be deceived you are brought by the Blood of Christ no wealth and no amounts of sacrifice can compare to it!!
Faith... Faith is not determine by how many time you go church is not determine by how many time you posts and talk about God.. Faith is also not determine by how many money you give to the church. Faith is not determine by how well you know your scriptures.. Faith is not determine by how Holy you think you are or how righteous you claim to be...,,

Faith is simply determine by how you behave when times of tribulations when your faith is been tested when you are afflicted by the evil one ... How you acts says a lot about how much you trust in God.., it says a lot about how much faith you have in..,, Do you crumble in pressure ? or do you rise above believe and trust that your father king of kings will see you through it and will fights against your battle.

Even though you may be going through a lot of attacks do you still remain joyful ? singing praises and worship and having hope and faith that HE (God) got your back.., if so then blessed be the 1 who has faith in the Father,,

I wait for the Lord , my soul doth wait, and in his word do I hope. (Psalms 130:5 KJV).

Good an blessed Day all!!