Foods for thoughts

Wouldn't be such a wonderful world if we all had the same believes same agenda same understanding same goals same Spirits.. Wouldn't it be so wonderful ? Mmmmm but instead we all scattered in this world some are clear about who they are (children of God) others believe they are animals where as some believe they are re carnations of animals or things. Others are just plain lost. All this confusion does hurt my soul and breaks my heart!! It also gets me thinking imagine the pain Jesus must be going through. He came died on the cross got crucified for us and still many people deny him many rejects him how sad...., It is only by his precious blood we are redeemed and can even dare called our self righteous by the grace of our Heavenly Father...Think acknowledge get understanding and don't be deceived you are brought by the Blood of Christ no wealth and no amounts of sacrifice can compare to it!!

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