You don't need to ask yourself if God loves you all you need to do is look around you the answer is right in your face... The simple fact that your alive today says it all. He loves you enough that he kept you alive... Yes your life is not how you plan but to be fair who's life is really how they planned. We have received a gift to automatically adjust to the changes willingly or unwillingly you either adjust or you get left behind but don't worry before the adjustment The Lord will have already equipped you for all you need to face the next stage. So don't let your trials or situation Make you doubt how much God loves..remember he loves you so much that he gave his only son for your sins...He loves you so much that he wakes you up everyday.. So please rise above whatever your going through right now and repeat after me.

I know I can be what God say I will be I know I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. I know I am more than a conqueror I know I can just because He love me..

Love you all and stay forever bless...

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