Faith... Faith is not determine by how many time you go church is not determine by how many time you posts and talk about God.. Faith is also not determine by how many money you give to the church. Faith is not determine by how well you know your scriptures.. Faith is not determine by how Holy you think you are or how righteous you claim to be...,,

Faith is simply determine by how you behave when times of tribulations when your faith is been tested when you are afflicted by the evil one ... How you acts says a lot about how much you trust in God.., it says a lot about how much faith you have in..,, Do you crumble in pressure ? or do you rise above believe and trust that your father king of kings will see you through it and will fights against your battle.

Even though you may be going through a lot of attacks do you still remain joyful ? singing praises and worship and having hope and faith that HE (God) got your back.., if so then blessed be the 1 who has faith in the Father,,

I wait for the Lord , my soul doth wait, and in his word do I hope. (Psalms 130:5 KJV).

Good an blessed Day all!!

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