But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering. For he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed. (James 1:6 KJV)

Before you prayed for it The Lord has already provided now the problem is receiving it......

When you pray if you have enough faith to believe that you will received it then it will come to past but if your wavering and doubting God then it won't come to past or it will just take longer...

God doesn't want weak minded individual who are always doubting his power and capability if that's 1 of you then why you bothering praying for if your not even sure your prayers will get answered... Why play a cat and mouse game with God...

God can't be play with nor mock he is real and love obedient children and faithful 1 no parents like a challenging child who enjoys to questions his authority or doubt his ability to raise him or her .... Just like God if you can't trust in him then don't call on his name...

At time you will have people who will pray and God will answer but because they have an expectation in their mind so when God answers it differently they refused the blessing.

Remember the story of the man drowning and pray to God and several people came to save him but he turns all or them down. He says no he is waiting for God to save him... When he died he said God why didn't you come save me ?

The Lord reply I came 3 times and you rejected my help all the time..

Moral if the story your blessings may not always be wrapped up in the beautiful wrapper your expecting he will blessed you using even your enemies or the last person you will expect..

God could feed prophet Elijah with raven what more can he do for you... Brothers and sister ask and he shall received but ask and doubt then he shall not received or it shall be delay.

Remain bless and trust in The Lord!!

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