I have never held a gun my life and I pray I will never I have never made anyone bled before I pray I never do.... But I have had people rise against me at time when I wish I could bring them down and cease the pain and i had hate at time I was full of pain and anger that my heart was full of evil thoughts but The Lord never let the evil in me outshine the goodness in me..

And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. (Genesis 6:5 KJV)

Our father whom created us knows we have an evil heart but as we accept our Lord Jesus Christ he comes in with his love and light to outshine every darkness and evil in us he comes in and makes us perfect in our father eyes he gives us a new name Children of God he gives us a new purpose a new meaning to life...

Don't be ashamed of the pains you once experience the rage that was going through your heart but be thankful that regardless the emotions you were going through you had the spirit of The Lord protecting you so you wouldn't commit a sin which you will lived to regret for the rest of life..even when you didn't know of his love he kept you sane and was always there helping you to control your emotions and stay in control regardless of the pain others put you through The Lord helped you to forgive he gave you the strength to walk away and say am strong not by my strength but by the spirit of The Lord.,,,

Yes you have hurt me and yes I held grudge in my heart yes I was angry for a while and I didn't want to forgive you but The Lord came in with his warm strong hands wrapped me around him and say my child is ok I have seen your tears I know your pain I know is not your faults I know others have abuse you I know you have a good heart but do not take revenge for it belongs to me

Dear friends, never take revenge. Leave that to the righteous anger of God. For the Scriptures say,
“I will take revenge;
I will pay them back,”
says the LORD. (Romans 12:19 NLT)

Don't be discourage your helper is there and has helped you and comfort you..,
I remember when I was really hurt The Lord said to me my daughter everytime you cried I have cried with you I have seen you pain and I have always been there..,

So every post I make it to show my love to my God for he raise me up when I was so low and I had no more hope in me. He did it for me he can do it for you !!!
We all are living testimony but you can only received your testimony if your willing to walk through the storm and be cleanse away from them for a testimony is the past is the yesterday not the today... Wipe those tears and look up to your father talk to him he is there right next to you he has never left you or will never forsake you call upon his name.,,

It is well!!

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