So he went and did according unto the word of the Lord: for he went and dwelt by the brook Cherith, that is before Jordan. And the ravens brought him bread and flesh in the morning, and bread and flesh in the evening; and he drank of the brook. (1 Kings 17:5, 6 KJV)

The Lord fed his servant in the wilderness sent raven to give him meat and bread. What more can he do for you?

The Lord will used your enemies to bless you he will open doors that no man can close and he will close doors that no man can open whatever your situation I want you to remain faithful to his words and close to him.. Believe that your blessing your deliverance your healing your breakthrough your promotion is at the door right now waiting for you to open the door and say come dwell in my house and let you remain forevermore!!

Father God king of king there is none like you no one else can touch our heart like you do above all God you have shown yourself to be just and perfect.. Father I stand before you as your servant asking for mercies and forgiveness of sins Lord I pray that the most precious blood of your son Jesus Christ washes away every sins every iniquities and every transgression. I pray that oh Lord from today from this hour we stand as children of God decreasing so that you may increasing we humble ourselves so you may be exalted and we give you all the praises and adoration for you deserve all the Glory..father Yahweh king of king Lord of Lord we asked that you release shower of blessings right now in Jesus name father I stand as your servant and I stand in the promise you have given me that you will not forsake me nor leave me father may anyone needing Healing in the name of Jesus be heal promotions be granted breakthrough be established and let everything that gone or brought down be restored in the mighty name of Jesus... Father we don't ask this because we deserve it but we ask of this in the name of your son whom you said whatever we ask in his name shall be given to us as we live a life pleasing to your sight!!!

Father we know your words will never change they remain the same yesterday today tomorrow and forevermore!!! We believe with all our heart that as we have prayer this prayer and you have seen our heart to be right by your side our prayers have been answered!! We thank you for answered prayers in Jesus mighty name Amen!!!!!

As soon as you believed it you shall received it for The Lord doesn't break his promises nor changes his words !!!

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