Almighty God tonight I don't want to ask nothing of you I just want to thank you for all that you have done and you are doing right now and what you are about to do....
Tonight Lord I just want to exalt your name and show my gratitude toward you !!

I want to thank you for my life my children my family my homes my finance my education my business my ministry my streets my town my country my works my neighbours even my enemies yes Lord I just want to thank you.....for you surely deserve all the praises and adorations.....

I won't complain about my problems but I will praise your holy name I won't count my problems but I will bless your holy name I won't ask of anything but I will give you everything that is of me as a living sacrifice... I won't ask of you to make it perfect but I glorify your name for your control..... Nope I lay low but I will rise against for I know my father is on my side so no one Canberra against me or stand on my way. I will not say why Lord but instead say it is well I will not cry (but if I don't ) I will wipe those tears and sing praise worship and dance with your angels ....yes Lord to night I want to thank you for you have already established and poured out all my blessing and all my needs for you are faithful to your servants who serve whole heartily.... So yes lord it is well

And he said, Lord God of Israel, there is no God like thee, in heaven above, or on earth beneath, who keepest covenant and mercy with thy servants that walk before thee with all their heart: (1 Kings 8:23 KJV)

Thank you almost powerful loving caring merciful worthy God king of king lords of lords....
When all seems hopeless when my world is full of dark cloud when all my strength is gone when no one is there to turn to when my enemies rise against me when I don't know if am going to make it. I look to you with all my strength I look to you I stretch my hands to you!!

When I can't see the light through the darkness I look to you for your my light when the world is given me every reasons to hate I look to your everlasting loves...

Yes I look to you!!
All good things and blessings doesn't come to Those who wait...... For if you are at home not doing nothing and waiting for a promotion then my dear it will never come... But all good things come to those who pray diligently and have faith that they prayer would be answered it comes to those that after praying work hard at it for faith without work is dead.

Even so faith, if it hath not works, is dead, being alone. (James 2:17 KJV)

Good things come to those who can combine those two together and practice it with all their might and all that is in them!!! Good things/ blessings come to those who while waiting for the blessing instead of being miserable their rejoice for they have full assurance that The Lord has already answered their prayers so they sing songs of praises to their Father who deserve all the love and adorations!!

Now that's how good things and blessing come to you!!
Stay blessed all and have a joyful Sunday !!
And keep the charge of the Lord thy God, to walk in his ways, to keep his statutes, and his commandments, and his judgments, and his testimonies, as it is written in the law of Moses, that thou mayest prosper in all that thou doest, and whithersoever thou turnest thyself: (1 Kings 2:3 KJV)

We have the assurance and promised of The Lord that as we wall In his ways his commandments his judgement and his testimonies will shall prosper in all that we do and wherever we turn !!

So we already have the full assurance that prosperity and riches of heaven and earth belongs to us and The Lord has given us instruction on how to receive them!!!whatever it may be as long as we do the will of God it is given to us freely overflowing... The words of The Lord doesn't change but remains the same yesterday today and tomorrow !!!

Are you facing any financial difficulties marital difficulties children spiritual warfare ?????whatever it may be rest assure that as you walk and serve The Lord diligently with all your might and heart he will Grant you all that your heart desire but before seeking those blessing you need to ask yourself this question..,

Are you living a life of saints or sinner are you really following the commandments if rupture day arise today could you really account and truly testified that you served The Lord with all that is in you and of you...?

If the answer is yes then Glory be to good your blessings is on his ways..,,

If the answer is no then is time to change and follows the commandments and know this The Lord knows our flaws and he also knows those who are sincerely trying to change for he doesn't judge us by what we say we are or we do but by our heart....

If the answer is I don't know then pray for the Holy spirit to reveal to you things in your life that are lacking God in it things that are unpleasant in God sight!!!

Good night family remain faithful and true the Word of God!!!!
Yes Lord you hold the world in your hands!

He got the whole world in his hands he got the whole world in his hands he got me and my brother in his hands he's got the whole world in his hands...,

So whether you like it or not as long as you are in the world he has you in his hands his watching over you even when you don't deserve it he watches over you!!!

When you reject him rebuke him persecute him mock him insult him he still holds you in his hands and he still love you !!

You want to know why he still loves you??

Because our God is love and love is God without love you don't have him and without him your nothing!!!

So what is it going to be? Are you going to be somebody and accept God accept his love and his son or remain nobody ?

The choice is yours but remember with everything actions there's a consequence and with this decision is a matter of eternal life (heaven) or eternal pain ( hell) !!
Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me. (John 14:1 KJV)

Let your heart be not double minded let your spirit be firm and stand still trust in The Lord/Yahweh and in his Son Jesus/Yeshua.... Understand that no matter the situation he is in control no matter how deep in you may be in right now trust and believe that through his son there's a way out there's better days to come....

Say this prayer with me..,

Father Lord I come before you for am a sinner and I have fail short of your trust and grace I trusted man when I was supposed to trust you please Lord do not let your anger rise against but instead have mercy upon me and forgive me for my sins i decrease so that you may increase teach me how to walk in your light teach me how to serve you me the way and let your Holy Spirit direct my every actions,word and though!!! Do of me as you please i humble myself so you can be exalted...Father am not asking you this because am worthy of it but for the sake of your son Who died on the cross please have mercy upon me and hear my prayer and let your will be done upon my life in Jesus mighty name we have prayed Amen!!
Watch and pray, that ye enter not into temptation: the spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak. (Matthew 26:41 KJV)

Are you one this people who's spirit longing The Lord but the flesh is weak? Today I saw an old friend of mine he asked me how am I doing I told him I gave my life to God and I start telling him how good The Lord has been to me so I asked him when you going to give your life to God?He replied I know God I know I have to give my life to God but I just don't think am ready I don't think I can make that sacrifice yet!! So I told him what would you do if you cross the road now and died you are aware your going straight to hell because you haven't accepted Jesus as your personal saviour!!!he Said I know I have to but am just not ready. then he told me when i get older i will do..,, then i laugh theres many young who believe they are too young to serve God that seeking the face of God is more for the eldest so they will wait until they in their 40..: so what happen if you don't reach 40 because nobody knows their length of time in this world only God does so why risk it??? why take such a gamble between hell and eternal life why not just give your life to God now and just pray for strength to keep walking in the spirit.... sometimes you have people who spirit is willing to hear the word of God and even attend church but their flesh is so weak that they always find them self desiring things of the flesh and of the world so no matter how many time you preach to them until their kill their flesh and sacrifice it... It will only be a spiritual desire but will never take act remember faith without work is dead what is a desire with out acting on it??

I want to encourage you all if you in this situation take a leap of faith you be amaze how amazing a life of a child of God is you get a faithful father and a best friend who will never leave you nor forsake he answers all your prayers in good timing for he knows was best for you...and on top of that you get Angels that are armed and ready to fight your battle at anytime of the day or night!!!on top of it you get the Holy Spirit

But the Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. There is no law against these things!
Those who belong to Christ Jesus have nailed the passions and desires of their sinful nature to his cross and crucified them there. (Galatians 5:22-24 NLT)

All of this for free no animal sacrifice no money just you free of charge !! Anyone who needs a support to take the Leap or faith am ready and willing to support you and help you and direct you to your path God loves and so do I make the decision now before is too late brethren!!!
Many people know of God but few have acknowledge his power and even fewer have accepted his son Jesus/Yeshua as their personal saviour.... This is why the bible says many are called but few are chosen.... Many know him but only a few will do his will...knowing someone is there and has created heaven and earth is not enough at time I hear too many people say 'I know God exist and he created earth and human' and that's all the knowledge and power they know of God they forget the most crucial part where he send his son to died for our sins the 10 commandments the bible and the Holy Spirit How can you say you know God when you don't even know his son or his ways ?...That's like saying you know your teacher but don't know the subject his teaches or what he taught you.... People is not enough to know of God/ need to know
The Lord was you and acknowledge him and his power in your life make him the centre of everything you are accept his only son Jesus/Yeshua and acknowledge that with out him you are nothing just mere sand waiting to be blown away... He wants you to learn study his words praise to him talked to him sing praises and worship give yourself to him... The Lord wants you but ....the problem is his been waiting for you for sooo long but still you have rejected him why???? Stop seeking things of the world which will only destroyed you and are vanity which will soon perish accept him in your life and see how you will blossom like a beautiful flower in the mist of the dessert and evil world we living in!!!! Walk in the Light of The Lord say goodbye to the darkness in you and received Love joy and everlasting life!!!God loves you my brother and sister make time to love him and get to know him!!