Many people know of God but few have acknowledge his power and even fewer have accepted his son Jesus/Yeshua as their personal saviour.... This is why the bible says many are called but few are chosen.... Many know him but only a few will do his will...knowing someone is there and has created heaven and earth is not enough at time I hear too many people say 'I know God exist and he created earth and human' and that's all the knowledge and power they know of God they forget the most crucial part where he send his son to died for our sins the 10 commandments the bible and the Holy Spirit How can you say you know God when you don't even know his son or his ways ?...That's like saying you know your teacher but don't know the subject his teaches or what he taught you.... People is not enough to know of God/ need to know
The Lord was you and acknowledge him and his power in your life make him the centre of everything you are accept his only son Jesus/Yeshua and acknowledge that with out him you are nothing just mere sand waiting to be blown away... He wants you to learn study his words praise to him talked to him sing praises and worship give yourself to him... The Lord wants you but ....the problem is his been waiting for you for sooo long but still you have rejected him why???? Stop seeking things of the world which will only destroyed you and are vanity which will soon perish accept him in your life and see how you will blossom like a beautiful flower in the mist of the dessert and evil world we living in!!!! Walk in the Light of The Lord say goodbye to the darkness in you and received Love joy and everlasting life!!!God loves you my brother and sister make time to love him and get to know him!!

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