Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me. (John 14:1 KJV)

Let your heart be not double minded let your spirit be firm and stand still trust in The Lord/Yahweh and in his Son Jesus/Yeshua.... Understand that no matter the situation he is in control no matter how deep in you may be in right now trust and believe that through his son there's a way out there's better days to come....

Say this prayer with me..,

Father Lord I come before you for am a sinner and I have fail short of your trust and grace I trusted man when I was supposed to trust you please Lord do not let your anger rise against but instead have mercy upon me and forgive me for my sins i decrease so that you may increase teach me how to walk in your light teach me how to serve you right...show me the way and let your Holy Spirit direct my every actions,word and though!!! Do of me as you please i humble myself so you can be exalted...Father am not asking you this because am worthy of it but for the sake of your son Who died on the cross please have mercy upon me and hear my prayer and let your will be done upon my life in Jesus mighty name we have prayed Amen!!

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