Watch and pray, that ye enter not into temptation: the spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak. (Matthew 26:41 KJV)

Are you one this people who's spirit longing The Lord but the flesh is weak? Today I saw an old friend of mine he asked me how am I doing I told him I gave my life to God and I start telling him how good The Lord has been to me so I asked him when you going to give your life to God?He replied I know God I know I have to give my life to God but I just don't think am ready I don't think I can make that sacrifice yet!! So I told him what would you do if you cross the road now and died you are aware your going straight to hell because you haven't accepted Jesus as your personal saviour!!!he Said I know I have to but am just not ready. then he told me when i get older i will do..,, then i laugh theres many young who believe they are too young to serve God that seeking the face of God is more for the eldest so they will wait until they in their 40..: so what happen if you don't reach 40 because nobody knows their length of time in this world only God does so why risk it??? why take such a gamble between hell and eternal life why not just give your life to God now and just pray for strength to keep walking in the spirit.... sometimes you have people who spirit is willing to hear the word of God and even attend church but their flesh is so weak that they always find them self desiring things of the flesh and of the world so no matter how many time you preach to them until their kill their flesh and sacrifice it... It will only be a spiritual desire but will never take act remember faith without work is dead what is a desire with out acting on it??

I want to encourage you all if you in this situation take a leap of faith you be amaze how amazing a life of a child of God is you get a faithful father and a best friend who will never leave you nor forsake he answers all your prayers in good timing for he knows was best for you...and on top of that you get Angels that are armed and ready to fight your battle at anytime of the day or night!!!on top of it you get the Holy Spirit

But the Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. There is no law against these things!
Those who belong to Christ Jesus have nailed the passions and desires of their sinful nature to his cross and crucified them there. (Galatians 5:22-24 NLT)

All of this for free no animal sacrifice no money just you free of charge !! Anyone who needs a support to take the Leap or faith am ready and willing to support you and help you and direct you to your path God loves and so do I make the decision now before is too late brethren!!!

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