And keep the charge of the Lord thy God, to walk in his ways, to keep his statutes, and his commandments, and his judgments, and his testimonies, as it is written in the law of Moses, that thou mayest prosper in all that thou doest, and whithersoever thou turnest thyself: (1 Kings 2:3 KJV)

We have the assurance and promised of The Lord that as we wall In his ways his commandments his judgement and his testimonies will shall prosper in all that we do and wherever we turn !!

So we already have the full assurance that prosperity and riches of heaven and earth belongs to us and The Lord has given us instruction on how to receive them!!!whatever it may be as long as we do the will of God it is given to us freely overflowing... The words of The Lord doesn't change but remains the same yesterday today and tomorrow !!!

Are you facing any financial difficulties marital difficulties children spiritual warfare ?????whatever it may be rest assure that as you walk and serve The Lord diligently with all your might and heart he will Grant you all that your heart desire but before seeking those blessing you need to ask yourself this question..,

Are you living a life of saints or sinner are you really following the commandments if rupture day arise today could you really account and truly testified that you served The Lord with all that is in you and of you...?

If the answer is yes then Glory be to good your blessings is on his ways..,,

If the answer is no then is time to change and follows the commandments and know this The Lord knows our flaws and he also knows those who are sincerely trying to change for he doesn't judge us by what we say we are or we do but by our heart....

If the answer is I don't know then pray for the Holy spirit to reveal to you things in your life that are lacking God in it things that are unpleasant in God sight!!!

Good night family remain faithful and true the Word of God!!!!

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