A brother in Christ put this statement

Who do you think is the one thats prevents one from following Christ?

My answer was: an individual is the one preventing them self from following Christ.

Yes I know our biggest battle is not against flesh but satan and his demons but remember satan and his demons only gave as much control to you as much as possible you give satan control over your body and spirit when you refuse to follow Christ and trust in God..

Those rejection comes from you and they open a door for satan to comes in and destroyed you... Because as you reject Jesus your full of darkness perfect place for demons to dwell ....

This is my belief your biggest fear or threat is not the people who are around you or your problems is actually you!! You are your biggest threat and your biggest enemy....

No one can take that leap of faith or change apart from you many may encourage you to make a change or to belief in yourself or stress out to you that changes is essential no matter how much preaching one does to you only yourself can take that Preaching those wisdom and make it something positive for yourself...

I don't belief anyone can make you belief in the word of God or trust him but only yourself I belied that everyone positive around you can give you the word of God sow the seeds (which the word and truth of God) now is up to you if your willing to let the Holy Spirit come in and manifest itself in you and bring about changes that will transform to your spirit abiding with the spirit of God..

Is up to you to let God water that seed to a beautiful blossom tree with branches and fruits of all colours...

So you can see you are your biggest blockage or obstacle
Only when you can overcome you that's when you will be able to overcome what anyone falls at you only when you accept Jesus as your personal saviour that you will be able to withstand that liar noise murmuring in your ears !!

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