Life is all about choices and decision making God gave us the free will to live as we please or to live a life pleasing to him... Every decision we make will either bring us closer to him or keep us away from him the decision is yours no one on this earth can really feel you pain or understand what you going through apart from God this is why he says trust in God but not man for he that creates us knows our every emotions whether be good or bad he knows. He sees what others can't see and even with our imperfection he is still willing to used us for his glory.....God is not looking for the best for the most beautiful for the most talented or for the most famous he is not looking for the one who dresses the best to go church ...
He is looking for the 1 who is willing to humble themself he is looking for the obedient servant who is always on guard and will wear his garment of righteousness not just on Sunday but 7/7 a week. He is looking for the 1 with a patient pure heart and understanding he is looking for the 1 that life has knock down so many time but regardless of the knocks of Life he/ she was still able to rise and say Lord I trust in you .....

God is looking for servants are you one of them???? If so walk in your calling with boldness assurance confidence and faith know your God shall not forsake you and every steps you take he shall take it with you!! God bless you and may you all have a peaceful Sunday and productive week ahead of you !!

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