First day at back to study we were in lecture and we had a discussion about homosexual and homophobic and what we think about it... I spoke and I said being a child of God and a Christian I don't agree with homosexual my God tells me it is wrong but that doesn't mean I won't provide the same support to an individual just because they are homosexual but as a servant of God my job is also to point out to you that what your doing is a sin against God and no am not judging you am actually helping you to not commit sin and my God tells me if someone sins I should pray for them and tell them they are sining
If you see a Christian brother or sister sinning in a way that does not lead to death, you should pray, and God will give that person life. But there is a sin that leads to death, and I am not saying you should pray for those who commit it. (1 John 5:16 NLT)

As I was talking about my believe and where I stand in that subject I really felt like the 3 servants of God in the book of Daniel who stood up for their believes regardless of what anyone thoughts or regardless of what was going to happen to them.. I really felt like the whole class was either shock at what I was saying or hated me for it or impressed either way am glad I stood up for my God...,

For I know my God would stand up for me all the time and Everytime no matter the circumstances and at 1 point I felt as if I risked losing my place because of my belief then I told myself if God gave me this place without me having the criteria and requirements then why am I even going to worry he opened doors that no one can close so am going to stand firm and represent my God at all time for with him am invisible and untouchable !!

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