Am nearly done ready 1king book and I was amazed of how many kings turn against God and were disobedient to his words and how many of them decided to make themselves idols and shrine to worship other Gods... What also shock me is how God deal with them how he lay his anger in so many some of them their family got wiped others war was risen against..

As I was ready it the Holy Spirit let me to understand that at time many people idolise and worship others God without even knowing..

What does idolise means

'Idolize' means love unquestioningly and uncritically or to excess; venerate as an idol.

At many time some of us will love an artist to the point that we literally worship him or her spend time doing research listening talking about that artist And have pictures everywhere some may say that they are just fan..

But instead do you know your actually idolising that individual and when singing his songs and researching about that person is like a child of God singing praises to God and all your researches is like reading a bible wanting to know more about God..

Some of us will idolise our family without even knowing everything they do we want to do or be good or bad in our eyes they can't do wrong..

They only person or spirit you should idolise or want to be like is our Lord Jesus Christ. Our heavenly father's knows everyday we fall shorts of his grace and love but as we tried he lifts us up and will make us perfect in his eyes it may not be perfect in human eyes but frankly only God judgement counts not human for only he can see the heart and spirit..

Family please examine yourself carefully and make sure your not indirectly or directly worship another God for am sure I don't need to remind you how God deal with those who are and no one will want to have God anger on him or her for his wrath his deadly than any.

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